Channel Chat: Suspending an Employee as a Precaution – Constitutional Court Ruling

SUSPENDING AN EMPLOYEE AS A PRECAUTION It is often necessary to suspend a Temporary and or Contract Employee (Assignee) or Permanent Employee (hereafter referred to as the Employee) as a precaution, or to remove the Employee from the workplace to allow for the investigation into misconduct to complete prior to issuing the notice to attend…


Channel Chat – Minimum Wage – Exemption from the NMW + Consequences of non-compliance to the NMW

EXEMPTION FROM THE NEW NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE In our ongoing pursuit to keep our Client abreast of information relating to the labour- related Industry, and thus ensuring compliance please find the below for your perusal. The below refers: Non- compliance to the NMW: ‘Johannesburg – The Department of Labour on Thursday said it intended to…
