At Indgro Multi Services Group we pride ourselves in the quality of Products and Services we offer to our Clients. We positioned our Company to be the ultimate one-stop-shop facility, and will continue to do so by not only enhancing our existing Product- Service offering, but by offering new and innovate Products and Services to the market.
‘We are proud to announce the launch of our water-fed pole system for cleaning windows, starting within the Gauteng regions- for more information of this unique Product- Service offering refer to:
The above Vertical incorporate window cleaners (inside and out) for commercial concerns including office blocks, showrooms, factories, apartment complexes and anywhere else where you have glass.
We clean external windows using extendable poles and distilled water. Traditional methods are used internally as required under strict health and safety Procedures. This allows us to provide a professional and cost effective Service to your business.
• Trailer- mounted system
• Safety- no ladders or scaffolding are required
• High reach- up to 5 storeys from the ground
• The cleaner- leaves the windows with no spotting or streaking
• Fast- up to 70% quicker than traditional methods used
• Cost-effective- competitive pricing due to speed of execution
• No chemicals or detergents are used in the process, and is 100% environmentally friendly, providing the perfect solution to “GREEN” window cleaning needs.
The two key challenges in cleaning windows are firstly getting a great clean without using harmful chemicals and secondly reaching high places without endangering the employees involved (yours and ours).
The way we solve these challenges through our system is by using telescopic poles and purified- distilled water.
The purified water has a very high solvency level, and as such grabs the dirt. The brushes on the poles disturb the dirt which is then scooped by the water without the need for chemicals. The dirty water is then rinsed off the windows using additional purified water. Because the purified water has no residue, the windows can be left to dry naturally for a spotless finish. Furthermore, the water is PH neutral and does not attract new dirt as quickly as windows cleaned with chemical agents. Your windows therefore stay cleaner for longer.
These specially designed lightweight poles allow us to reach high windows (up to 5 storeys) without the need for ladders or scaffolding. This minimises the risk of injury to our Employees, and damage to your property. A thin-bore tube transports the purified water up the poles where it is sprayed through the nozzle at low pressure so it can be controlled easily.
We look forward to introducing the above- mentioned state of the art technology to your company.
For more information or to book an assessment, kindly contact