Channel Chat: Cyber Security and Cybercrimes

CYBERCRIMES The latest cybercrime statistics reveal that South Africa is ranked 6th among the world’s most affected countries. 70 (Seventy) % of South Africans had fallen victim to cybercrime and other risky behaviour, whilst 47 (Forty-seven) % of South African Smartphone users had experienced mobile cybercrime in the past 12 (Twelve) months, compared to 38…

Channel Chat: Phishing Emails – ((ALERT))!

Phishing Emails – ALERT! Recent reports indicate 32 (Thirty-two) % of global businesses have suffered a severe Cybersecurity breach in the past year, with more incidents expected in 2023.   Please note that our ABSA banking details have not changed.     Phishing is a type of online scam that targets various businesses by sending…

Channel Chat: Year-end Thank You!

Dear valued Client As the end of the year draws near we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, our valued Clients for an amazing year. The success of Indgro Outsourcing (Pty) Ltd, Trading as Indgro Multi Services Group™ is based on the relationships we have built over the years, and…